Sunday, February 13, 2011


John F. Kennedy once said "We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes."

I sit here staring at this quote thinking hes ABSOLUTELY right. I mean the only person that is holding me back is myself, but I also sit here realizing my reality. Justin Bieber's movie "Never Say Never" has just been released to theaters, and it has been making me think a lot. This kid comes from a normal family just like mine, and hes got this career already at 16? It has really been putting my life into perspective..and questions keep popping in my head like little silent bombs..."am I too old?, do i even have a chance of making it big?, what do i have to do?" All of these questions I have I dont have the answers to which scares me. aka my fears are holding me back. and i just cant help it. I was watching Biebers music video for "never say never", and i was in tears, because that is my dream. To be so influential to other people, to make TRUE differences in peoples lives, to be ACCEPTED. I love acting, its the best feeling i have ever felt in my whole entire life, and somehow right now, it doesnt seem enough...I mean i can only hope that one day i can look back at this blog and be like "what were you so damn worried about?" but the truth is what if i dont? what if none of that is in the cards for me? that what if cant be because if im not acting for the rest of my life, and im not the least bit influential, then i truly think i dont have any other purpose. all of this is what i was BORN TO DO...and now that i found my nitch, my soul's purpose , why I, KRISTINA MARIE-BRIDGET, is on this earth, i find myself questioning it...its almost amusing how crazy i make myself. i just need to stop letting my fears be my guide...i am a dreamer, and now i just have to make my dreams a reality.

this kid is one talented person...we will be seeing him for years and years to come....


take chances.

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