"Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy."
nothing in life is easy, in fact if it is easy..you should be cautious. ive realized in life that the only person that is holding you back from achieving your dreams and aspirations , is yourself.
i know i tend to talk myself out of a lot..like acting for example, i tend to dream BIG and then i tell myself that it wont happen...but why cant it? if i would just stop sabotaging my own happiness and go for it...who knows what i could do.
i had a conversation today with someone who is very successful in acting, in that conversation i realized how down to earth they really were and how successful actors and celebrities are still people and there are ones that stay grounded, and feel blessed for what they have...its nice to know that i can have that and not have to worry about sacrificing who i am.
its time for some change...i know it wont be easy and it will be extremely hard...but rome wasnt built in a day and neither will my career. i need to stop moping around, feeling defeated when the fight hasn't even begun. for all of you who don't believe i can do it, all i have to say is good thing im not doing it for you. i will do this for me and when i have fans, i hope to only influence them as much as i feel influenced today. thank you (you know who you are).
now for some inspirational music from my FAVORITE ...jessie j
take chances.
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