Monday, February 28, 2011

my unbiological family

“Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.”

i tend to feel bad for those who don't understand this quote. i have grown up with the same group of girls, it seems like for forever. we've all been through hell and back together and there has been others that have come into the group and have gone but the ones who have stuck it through will probably be the ones that will forever. as i grow up i have learned that people come and go but only a select few will be there for you. ive also been coming to the realization that you cant make decisions for these people..even when what they are doing is not the best.

my whole entire life friends have been my number 1. i live for them because when i felt i couldnt count on my biological family, i had my "UNBIOLOGICAL" family to lean on. so with that said, ive always wanted the very BEST for my friends. and when youve grown up with the same people your whole entire life you tend to feel that you know them inside and feel that you know whats best for them.but its so easy to judge when your on the outside looking in.its just so hard when you have the friend that used to be so full of life and is now so dull. or the friend who has a troubling past and has done so well to move forward and just keeps stumbling along the way. or the friend who is always undecided and can never make a decision by themselves. or the friend that leads everyone to believe that they have the perfect life but really it is a wreck, or the friend that has such a good future ahead of them but doesn't see it for themselves.i wish that i could be the savior but you can only lead the horse to the water, you cant make it drink too.

i have had the best times in my life with these friends...and i feel so blessed to have them. no matter where our journeys take us, i know that if theres a problem we will all be there to fix it because we all hold special places in each others hearts forever and always. i may have came into this world with one sister but i know ill leave it with many.

yes, im so blessed to have friendships like i do..but what about the people who dont. who dont know how to keep a relationship with others..these are the people i feel bad for..because these are the people who are the most troubled. it amazes me how some people can be just so cruel to im not perfect but the things some people say or do just kills me. there is no legitimate reason why someone needs to be so hurtful to others. to make people feel powerless and so unsure. and these "cruel people" obviously have a lot of problems with themselves but no one else needs to be on their level...if everyone in this world would make a conscious effort to be nice to each other who knows what our lives would be like...if everyone would learn to mind their own businesses we would live in a perfect world...yes i know im dreaming hah..idk im 20 yrs old and the drama and cruelty i have seen is exhausting..idk how others do it their whole lives.

i have a mantra i like to say to myself everyday.."im alive" yes its extremely simple and nothing really to it when you are just reading it..but if you look deeper it has a lifetime of meaning. obviously no one lives forever. as drake would say "everyone dies but not everyone lives", its true..we are all not invisible..we will all die at some point but while we are alive are we really living? in the past year i have grown as a person a lot..i have been through some dark moments especially mentally and its a struggle everyday to find something to live mantra "im alive" helps because its a reminder that i only have one life to live so i have to do all i can to make myself happy and to live a life that i am happy helps me to remember that everyday that i live could be my last..i need to make sure that the people i love know i love them, that i love myself and what im doing with my life, and that i leave this world happy and content and leave nothing broken behind.

 -take chances


Sunday, February 13, 2011


John F. Kennedy once said "We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes."

I sit here staring at this quote thinking hes ABSOLUTELY right. I mean the only person that is holding me back is myself, but I also sit here realizing my reality. Justin Bieber's movie "Never Say Never" has just been released to theaters, and it has been making me think a lot. This kid comes from a normal family just like mine, and hes got this career already at 16? It has really been putting my life into perspective..and questions keep popping in my head like little silent bombs..."am I too old?, do i even have a chance of making it big?, what do i have to do?" All of these questions I have I dont have the answers to which scares me. aka my fears are holding me back. and i just cant help it. I was watching Biebers music video for "never say never", and i was in tears, because that is my dream. To be so influential to other people, to make TRUE differences in peoples lives, to be ACCEPTED. I love acting, its the best feeling i have ever felt in my whole entire life, and somehow right now, it doesnt seem enough...I mean i can only hope that one day i can look back at this blog and be like "what were you so damn worried about?" but the truth is what if i dont? what if none of that is in the cards for me? that what if cant be because if im not acting for the rest of my life, and im not the least bit influential, then i truly think i dont have any other purpose. all of this is what i was BORN TO DO...and now that i found my nitch, my soul's purpose , why I, KRISTINA MARIE-BRIDGET, is on this earth, i find myself questioning it...its almost amusing how crazy i make myself. i just need to stop letting my fears be my guide...i am a dreamer, and now i just have to make my dreams a reality.

this kid is one talented person...we will be seeing him for years and years to come....


take chances.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

achieving greatness

"Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy."

nothing in life is easy, in fact if it is should be cautious. ive realized in life that the only person that is holding you back from achieving your dreams and aspirations , is yourself.

i know i tend to talk myself out of a acting for example, i tend to dream BIG and then i tell myself that it wont happen...but why cant it? if i would just stop sabotaging my own happiness and go for it...who knows what i could do.

i had a conversation today with someone who is very successful in acting, in that conversation i realized how down to earth they really were and how successful actors and celebrities are still people and there are ones that stay grounded, and feel blessed for what they have...its nice to know that i can have that and not have to worry about sacrificing who i am.

its time for some change...i know it wont be easy and it will be extremely hard...but rome wasnt built in a day and neither will my career. i need to stop moping around, feeling defeated when the fight hasn't even begun. for all of you who don't believe i can do it, all i have to say is good thing im not doing it for you. i will do this for me and when i have fans, i hope to only influence them as much as i feel influenced today. thank you (you know who you are).

now for some inspirational music from my FAVORITE ...jessie j

take chances.


life is not easy for those who dream.

"life is not easy for those who dream"- robert james waller.

this quote was intriguing to me because i tend to think of myself as a dreamer. i dream of someday being in love, and raising a family of my own...i also dream, and this one is the big one, of being famous one day. i want to have that influence on peoples lives. but the reality of it all is that it really isnt easy..because you tend to be a lot more disappointed. the unexpected is easier...thats the art of surprise i guess.

lately i have been really looking inside myself and trying to figure out who i am and what my purposes are...ive realized that ive been living in what i like to call my own little bubble...i have all these dreams and aspirations but my bubble is so nice and cozy i dont want to put in the hard work and dedication and not get what i want or be disappointed. but thats life isnt it...sometimes if you work hard you get to where you want to be, and other times, well you get nowhere. i just wish i knew why i was here..and if where i want to be and who i want to be is reachable. but you cant fast forward, rewind, pause, or stop life..all you can do is play.

its funny because someday when ive lived a bit and am quite older i will look back at this and be like "what were you thinking are only a little" ...but thats the can be scary and its hard and sometimes i just want to stay in my cozy little bubble...but future me is right...its time for me to start living.

oh and just a little the other day i was watching maury..and it was about these men who beat there girlfriends and treat them like the women are their slaves and what not...and everytime these men would come on stage they were "boo"ed..okay i get that..but at the same time..shouldnt these DUMBASS women get "boo"ed or not get COMPLETE SYMPATHY? i mean they are the ones that stay with these men and do whatever they say...idk my father always taught me to stand on my own and dont take anyone treating you disrespectfully, so i guess im just at a loss for words on how any person can stay with someone who treats them like garbage.

well thats all for now...GO BEARS!

take chances.
