"Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."
its been awhile..this quote completely symbolizes how im feeling today..i am happy. i went to a wedding last night with some fairly new friends and had a blast. ive come to realize that it doesnt matter how long youve known someone for the relationship to make a difference in your life. in high school it was a lot different than college and life in general because in high school you pretty much have gone to school with these people since like preschool so its not like youre meeting many new people. during the last year and a half in acting i have met some very influential people on my life. and even though we dont hang out all the time, or i have hung out with once and will never see again i still love every minute of it. those people i may not remember their name in 10 years but i will always remember how i felt knowing them and what they have done for my outlook on life. i never thought that i would make new life friends at this age but i believe i have found some. its one of those moments that you have no idea where they have been but you just love the person for who they are. i have never in my life felt like people completely understood me but i have realized that it just takes people who dont know anything about your past and have the same interests as you to understand. or maybe its just a theater thing..who knows...all i know is that the friends i have made within the past year and a half i absolutely adore and thank you guys for making that difference in my life.
needless to say i have come to the conclusion that life is really what you make it and that it doesnt really matter where your going in life its the journey, the people you meet and the things you do. life really isnt that hard to deal with, and what doesnt kill you will only make you stronger. life is good.:]
take chances