i wanted to start this blog off right. make it something INCREDIBLE something that will make me stand out from the rest, but honestly that made me all nervous and then it took me forever to figure out what i should even say to make me sound like this epic writer. then i realized this blog is for me to get out what i feel, or need to say. so we will start it off with a little about me, because if your reading this blog, you either (a) know me well (b) dont know me from adam (c) was bored and came across my page (d) none of the above. well whether its (a) (b) (c) or (d) i appreciate you reading this and hope to have somehow made a difference in your day. with that said we can start off there...MAKING A DIFFERENCE.
one of the things that i want to accomplish before i die is to make a difference in peoples lives..make them think a little bit more clearly , open their eyes to something. that is what i feel i accomplish in acting. i love acting..it is the one thing that i wish i could do every second of every day. the feeling i get standing on a stage in front of hundreds of people is so incredible i cant even explain it. i will be famous one day, and its not because of the money, its because for the time that your audience is watching you, they dont have to think or do anything else...they can just watch and you can make that difference in their life..even if its only for a short while. that is something to live for. i truly believe everyone should find their passion in life. i dont understand how some people can just go on throughout their whole lives and not do what they love. how they can work at the same job for 20-30 years and not exactly love it. i believe that if you love something you should do it. if your heart is set on walking on the moon, DO IT. dont let anyone hold you back..you have one life to live, live it up with no regrets. regretting is a waste of time because there really is nothing you can change about what is done.
i have yet to find a consequence that is harsh enough. ever since i was little ive outsmarted most consequences, but with that said i've also learned from others mistakes and my own to know what not to do. im not perfect by any means but i have high morals and high expectations for myself. i tend to think i love myself more than anyone else could. and not in a conceited way, just in the way that i came into this world alone and i will leave it the exact same way. there are things that every person needs to learn and do for themselves and i am no exception.
i HATE routine. i absolutely despise routines. every day should not be the same...and everything you do should not have to be done the same way over and over again. everything changes and is different for a reason. i will never be one of those people that take the same route to work everyday ....things like that bug me.
i am very strong willed. i tend to think this makes it hard for people to understand me and to get along with me. i can also be very honest and blunt. if you ask for my advice be ready to hear what i really think, i dont beat around the bush and i tend to expect everyone else to be the same..but lets face it not many people are. too many people are afraid of losing others or hurting someone elses feelings. i feel that if you asked my opinion and couldnt handle the truth you should not ask or expect others to tell you what you WANT to hear rather than what you NEED to hear.
i used to love drama, i used to love hearing new gossip and whos fighting with who...but in the past year i have learned that life in itself is dramatic enough who needs extra..its quite exhausting. i love to be there for others but theres a point of being there and being involved..and im starting to learn the difference. i recently read in a book about acting that those who play the "nasty" characters in the beginning of their careers tend to mature faster because you get to see life in a different perspective. in the past 3 plays i have played "nasty" characters. (a wretched old woman, a witch, and a murderous old lady) i feel that in the past year i have grown up a lot and have learned a lot. im starting to realize what truly matters in life and what needs to be done if i want to be the person that i will feel proud being.
i feel bad for those who are not themselves for themselves. like the people who change with their environment. im sure anyone can think of someone who is like this. the person who doesnt have their own personality. they are the way they are because thats what they think people want them to be. i feel bad for these people because they seem to be the most miserable people, and they dont understand themselves why they are so miserable. in life you will be eaten alive if you dont have your own mind. i feel that everyone should have the leading role in their own lives. be yourself forever and ever. if people dont like you for you then screw them.
well with all this said, this was pretty much my own little introduction into myself. i will end this blog with a video that i think EVERYONE can get something out of....
take chances.